Día de la Inmunología 2020

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SARS-CoV 2 y vacunas para el COVID-19
19 mayo 18 horas
Day of Immunology
Day of Immunology:
This year, SAI will organize outreach actitivies such as informative talks at the 42th International Book Fair, to be held on Monday April 25th between 16:00 and 18:30 at the “Leopoldo Lugones” Room (http://www.el-libro.org.ar/)
April 29th has been declared the Day of Immunology by the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) in order to divulge and promote the importance of immunology, a discipline that has a great impact in Medicine and population health
For this year, IUIS has established “Immunotherapy” and central theme for the activities to beheld this day. For more information, please visit: link