ICGEB for COVID-19 enable locally to recover globally

Alessandro Marcello and Serena Zacchigna (ICGEB Trieste, Italy)
Contact courses@icgeb.org
Web https://www.icgeb.org/covid-symposium-trieste-2021/
This ICGEB symposium on COVID-19 is open to the whole ICGEB constituency and will provide an update on the current
pandemic in multiple key regions of the world.
The event intends to highlight ICGEB activities related to COVID-19 and to get a feedback from our Member States on how
to cooperate at best against future challenges.
Topics will include:
• Current and expected evolution of COVID-19 pandemics
• Tools to study SARS-CoV-2 infection
• New mechanisms of disease
• Anti-viral drug development
• Vaccines
• Immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection
• The Symposium is open to scientists from ICGEB Member States; preference will be given to students and early career
• Prior basic working knowledge is of advantage, but not strictly a must
• Participation is subject to selection, as attendance to the event is limited to a maximum number of participants
• Selection will be based on the information provided in the application form, including the indication of potential
benefit for the applicant’s career
• Geographical and gender balance, as well as priority order in the submission of application, will also be considered
ICGEB application: https://isg.icgeb.org/auth/login
Deadline: 15 September 2021