International Symposium Neutrophil 2021
Neutrophil 2021
Edinburgh, MAY 30-JUNE 2, 2021

Neutrophil 2020 rescheduled to 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic
As you are aware, coronavirus is having a global impact and the World Health Organization and UK Government’s recommendations of tackling this pandemic include social distancing and the cancelling of conferences and large gatherings. As such, we have decided to postpone the Neutrophil 2020 Conference, originally scheduled for 31 May-3 June 2020, in Edinburgh, UK, to 30 May-2 June 2021, at the same venue. Whilst disappointing, the health of older people and ill in our communities is paramount, and we sincerely hope you will be able to attend the 2021 meeting.
We will keep you informed via our website as we have more information about the new conference, but at present wish to draw your attention to the following important points:
- Neutrophil 2020 registrants should have received an email regarding reimbursement of conference registration and accommodation charges.
- Neutrophil 2020 Committee should have provided all registrants with an official notice by e-mail of the meeting’s cancellation for use in sending to airlines to request refunds or credits. Most airlines have offered withdrawal fee waivers or credits due to the travel concerns and quarantines in effect.
- The Neutrophil 2020 website has morphed into the Neutrophil 2021 website.
- The Neutrophil 2021 Conference will aim to run the same or very similar Scientific Programme. Registration for the 2021 meeting will open by end of 2020.
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