Becas y oportunidades de trabajo

Posición post-doctoral

Posición post-doctoral disponible a partir de junio 2021 en el laboratorio de la Dra. Adriana Mantegazza, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Nuestro laboratorio investiga respuestas inmunes innatas y adaptativas en células dendríticas murinas y humanas. En particular estudiamos el cross-talk entre la fagocitosis y la activación del
inflamasoma, y la regulación de estos procesos, con el fin de modular respuestas inmunes.

El proyecto post-doctoral consistirá en estudiar el mecanismo de acción de proteínas candidatas en la regulación de la actividad del inflamasoma y la inducción de autofagia en células dendríticas.

Interesados en conocer más sobre el proyecto, la Universidad, la ciudad, y en formar parte del grupo contactarse con:

Doctor en Ciencias Químicas, Bioquímica, Biología, Biomédicas o similares


Doctor en Ciencias Químicas, Bioquímica, Biología, Biomédicas o similares. 

Tema: Trisomía 21 y sistema inmune

Investigadora responsable: Mariana Maccioni

Enviar CV

Estudiante avanzado o profesional recientemente recibido

Buscamos: estudiante avanzado o profesional recientemente recibido de Lic. Cs. Biológicas, Biotecnología, Ing. Genética o carreras afines para realizar tesis doctoral o estancia postdoc.
Tema:  Inmunopatología de la Brucelosis en Sistema Nervioso Central
Investigadores responsables: ️Dr.Guillermo Giambartolomei (Investigador Principal-CONICET) y ️Dra.Ana María Rodríguez (Investigadora Adjunta-CONICET). Lugar de Trabajo: INIGEM- Hospital de Clínicas, CABA.
Interesados enviar CV a y

Búsqueda de estrategias que logren revertir la resistencia al tratamiento inducido por el microambiente tumoral en leucemia linfática crónica

Lugar de trabajo: Laboratorio de Inmunología Oncológica.
Directora: Dra. Romina Gamberale.
Duración de la beca: 2 años (empezaremos a trabajar apenas podamos volver al laboratorio!)

Requisitos: Doctor en Biología, Bioquímica, Biotecnología, Medicina o carreras afines, con dominio del idioma inglés, capacidad para trabajar en equipo y vocación científica. Se valorará positivamente que el postulante tenga experiencia previa en trabajo con ratones.
La persona interesada deberá enviar por e-mail a la Dra. Romina Gamberale (
1) una carta de motivación, 2) CV completo y 3) dos cartas de referencia.

Llamado a Postdoc en el Institut Pasteur de Montevideo

Llamado a Postdoc en el Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
El Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay realiza un llamado abierto para incorporar a un/a investigador/a postdoctoral al laboratorio de Investigación en Leucemia Linfoide Crónica (iLLC).
Formación alcanzada:
El/La postulante deberá contar con formación doctoral y poseer como mínimo dos artículos de 1er autor en revistas de referato internacional.
Se considerará oportuna, pero no excluyente, la experiencia en biología celular y molecular así como conocimientos en el área de inmunología y oncología.
La persona seleccionada liderará un proyecto en el laboratorio iLLC enmarcado en una colaboración científica con la plataforma de Tecnología y Ciencia de Glaxo
Smith Kline (GSK). Dicho proyecto estará centrado en el área de la inmunooncología, haciendo foco en la comprensión de los mecanismos moleculares de la progresión leucémica y el descubrimiento de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas para las neoplasias linfoides. Se utilizarán principalmente técnicas de citometría de flujo, microscopia confocal, PCR cuantitativa y análisis transcriptómicos de única célula.

El cargo es de dedicación exclusiva y tendrá una duración de dos años. Será financiado por GSK, existiendo posteriormente la posibilidad de extender la posición por dos años adicionales, con financiamiento institucional concursable.
Los/Las aspirantes deberán enviar sus postulaciones a: haciendo referencia al número del llamado y en formato pdf, los siguientes documentos:
a) Carta de motivación
b) Curriculum vitae resumido conteniendo la siguiente información:
• Datos Personales
• Formación Académica
• Antecedentes laborales científicos
• Lista de publicaciones
• Presentaciones orales en congresos
• Premios y/o becas científicas
c) Dos cartas de recomendación (académicas).
El plazo de recepción de postulaciones vence el Lunes 07 de Setiembre de 2020.

El Institut Pasteur de Montevideo es una institución comprometida con la promoción de una cultura organizacional con equidad de género. La Institución adhiere a la Ley 17.817 sobre lucha contra el racismo, xenofobia y toda otra forma de discriminación y la Ley Nº 18.104 sobre igualdad de derechos y oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres



The Jacobo and Estela Klip Award
A new award has been created to support Latin American graduate students
or postdoctoral fellows interested in collaborative research with one of the
laboratories of the Cell Biology Program of the Hospital for Sick Children in
Toronto, Canada.

The Jacobo and Estela Klip Fund will provide $8,000 (Cdn) to support the
travel and accommodation expenses for successful candidates to spend a period
of 4-6 months in a laboratory of their choice in the Cell Biology Program. The
members of the Cell Biology Program and their areas of interest can be found at:

Appendix A
Cell Biology Travel Award –
Jacobo and Estela Klip Fund at Sick Kids
Award Overview

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicant eligibility

• Host laboratory eligibility

  • Host Supervisor must be a member of the Cell Biology Program of the Research Institute of the Hospital for Sick Children of Toronto.
  • Host career stage: Scientist, Associate Scientist, Senior Scientist, Senior Associate Scientist, Scientist Track
  • Must commit to providing travel health insurance for the duration of the visit (estimated at ≈$300 through private insurer)

Application Process:
Applicant should contact potential Supervisor (defined above) to establish interest in hosting the visit.
Applications should be made electronically (via SlideRoom) accessing the following site:
Application consists of: a) CV of Applicant; b) Reference letter from Applicant’s local Supervisor; c) Letter of agreement by proposed Sick Kids host Supervisor; d) Two-page project description (including references and figures, if appropriate); e) Up to 1 page statement of advantages of project to Applicant’s development and suitability of host laboratory.
Applications should be made before October 9, 2020 and decisions will be communicated by December 15th, 2020.
Successful candidates must then apply for Canadian Visitor’s visa and/or eTA, as appropriate and must take up the award within 12 months of being awarded.

Acceptance and Acknowledgment
Before the funds will be disbursed, the successful candidates must complete an Award Acceptance Form within 2 months of notification, committing to:
a) complete a one-page brief at the end of the award describing how the award furthered the applicant’s research project and career prospects
b) acknowledge the award in posters and other presentations arising from activity funded by the award.
c) send a thank-you note to the donors prior to completion of the award. Information to contact the donors will be provided at the time of notification of the award.

Contact Information:
For additional information contact the Research Training Centre

36-month postdoctoral offer in cell biology, imaging and immunometabolism in the context of host-pathogen interaction

36-month postdoctoral offer in cell biology, imaging and immunometabolism in the context of host-pathogen interaction, CNRS IPBS, Toulouse, FRANCE

Principal Investigator
Christel Vérollet (CR1/INSERM)
Team of Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini (DR1/INSERM), “Phagocyte migration and differentiation”, IPBS/CNRS, Toulouse

Co-principal Investigator
Geanncarlo Lugo-Villarino (DR2/CNRS)
Team of Olivier Neyrolles (DR1/CNRS), “Mycobacterial Interactions with Host Cells”, IPBS/CNRS

Title of the Project
Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in tuberculosis-mediated exacerbation of HIV-1 infection in macrophages:
focus on intercellular communication and lipid networks

Context and Project
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and TB are among the deadliest diseases due to a single infectious agent.
Worsening these public health issues is the fact that the two pathogens responsible for these diseases, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1), respectively, are frequently associated. Clinical evidence clearly identifies TB as an aggravating condition of HIV-1 pathogenesis. Yet, the mechanisms by which Mtb
exacerbates HIV-1 infection need further investigation. We recently reported the importance of macrophages in HIV-1 exacerbation within the TB co-infection context (Souriant et al.,
2019 Cell Reports; Dupont et al., 2020 eLife). We showed that TBassociated microenvironments increase susceptibility of human macrophages to HIV-1 infection and spread (Souriant et al., 2019).
The formation of tunneling nanotubes (TNT), membranous channels connecting two or more cells over long distance, was crucial to the HIV-1 exacerbation induced by Mtb (Souriant et al., 2019). In addition, we demonstrated that TB-associated microenvironments alter TNT dynamics through the induction of the expression of the Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 1 (Siglec1/CD169) receptor (Dupont et al., 2020). Inhibition of Siglec-1 resulted in a decrease in the binding and transfer of HIV-1 among macrophages, and diminished TNT length and the hallmark characteristic of mitochondria transfer to neighbor cells (Dupont etal., 2020). While these studies highlight the capacity of TB to alter TNT formation and functional dynamics, the precise mechanisms for how this is accomplished remain unknown at large.
Cholesterol and lipids are known to increase membrane rigidity and are thought to be critical for TNT stability and other intercellular communication processes. Interestingly, we have demonstrated that TB-associated microenvironments dysregulate the metabolic and lipid networks in macrophages (Genoula et al., 2018; Genoula et al., 2020; Marin Franco et al., 2020). Therefore, we hypothesize that this dysregulation of lipid networks might alter intercellular communication mechanisms, complementing and/or enhancing the function of Siglec-1 during HIV-1 infection. The project will characterize the lipid factors responsible for the modulation of the metabolic and activation state by Mtb and dissect the role of these lipid candidates in the exacerbation of HIV-1 infection in macrophages.

Job description
We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher with a specific interest in cell imaging and immunometabolism in the context of host-pathogen interactions, and excellent track record to identify and solve TNT between macrophages Scanning electron microscopy @Poincloux scientific problems. The employment is for 3 years, aiming to better understand the HIV-1/Mtb co-infection. General responsibilities include design, implement and interpret experiments, both independently and in collaboration, and communicate research and findings in a clear and concise manner. Applicant is expected to co-direct a PhD student to be recruited simultaneously in this project; thus previous mentoring experience is required. Last, the selected candidate will participate to an international collaboration consortium with Dr. Luciana Balboa, CONICET (Argentina). Altogether,
this job position is designed for a candidate looking to hone his/her leadership skills as an independent investigator.

Team consortium and environment
The project is a full collaboration between two teams at IPBS (, Toulouse (France), supported by an international consortium, Laboratoire International Associé (LIA, #1167), with Dr. Luciana Balboa, CONICET (Buenos Aires, Argentina). The state-of-the-art imaging technology in the Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) facilities at IPBS and
the combination of expertise between the two teams assure the successful outcome of this project.

Qualifications required
• A PhD degree preferably in cell biology, biochemistry or immunology.
• Scientific excellence evidenced by publication track record.
• Hands-on experience of cell imaging and cell metabolism. Expertise in lipid biology will be highly prioritised.
• Strong computer literacy including experience with image analysis, FlowJo, Prism, and Excel.
• High levels of initiative, autonomy and the ability to assume a high level of responsibility.
• Strong interpersonal and mentoring skills needed to effectively deal with students and people of collaborating groups.
• Proficiency in English in order to manage our LIA partnership with Argentina; oral communication in Spanish is a plus.

Additional qualifications desired
• Experience of cell culture of mammalian primary cells and cell lines, and basic immunology assays such as multi-color
flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and ELISA.
• Knowledge of histology, quantitative PCR, and general lab protocols and methodologies used in the biological sciences.
• Experience in working in BSL-3 facilities.
• Experience in editing and writing original research articles and grant applications is an asset.

Starting on October 1st, 2020, the job position is funded for 36 months by an ANRS (Agence Nationale de la recherche sur le SIDA et les Hépatites) grant.
The application should be written in English and include:

  1. Letter of motivation with a short description of the applicant’s previous research and why the applicant considers
    her/himself a good match for the position (1-2 pages).
  2. Curriculum vitae, including a description of relevant skills and experiences, as well as a full publication list.
  3. Copy of PhD diploma.
  4. Names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers to 2-3 reference persons.

Application should be sent to Christel Vérollet ( and Geanncarlo Lugo-Villarino (

Related Publications to the Project
• Marín Franco et al., “Host-derived lipids from pleural effusions of TB patients impair anti-mycobacterial functions in human
macrophages though HIF-1α-mediated metabolic reprogramming”. Cell Reports, in revision since March 31st, 2020; BioRxiv preprint:
• Genoula et al., “Mycobacterium tuberculosis Modulates the Metabolism of Alternatively Activated Macrophages to Promote Foam
Cell Formation and Intracellular Survival”. In revision, PLOS Pathogens, June 3
rd, 2020; BioRxiv preprint:
• Dupont et al., «Tuberculosis-associated IFN-I induces Siglec-1 on tunneling nanotubes and favors HIV-1 spread in macrophages”, eLife,
2020 Mar 30;9:e52535.
• Souriant et al., «Tuberculosis Exacerbates HIV-1 Infection Through IL-10/STAT3-Dependent Tunneling Nanotube Formation in
Macrophages», Cell Reports, 2019, 26(13):3586-3599.e7
• Dupont et al., «Tunneling Nanotubes: Intimate Communication Between Myeloid Cells», Frontiers in Immunology, 2018, 9:43.
• Genoula et al., “Formation of Foamy Macrophages by Tuberculous Pleural Effusions Is Triggered by the Interleukin-10/Signal
Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 Axis Through ACAT Upregulation”, Frontiers in Immunology, 2018, 9: 459.
• Lastrucci et al., “Tuberculosis is associated with expansion of a motile, permissive and immunomodulatory CD16(+) monocyte
population via the IL-10/STAT3 axis.” Cell Research, 2015, 25(12): 1333-51.
• Vérollet et al., “HIV-1 Reprograms the Migration of Macrophages”, Blood, 2015, 125 (10): 1611-22

Post-doctoral position available in the Alegre Lab

The University of Chicago

Post-doctoral position available in the Alegre Lab

Maria-Luisa Alegre, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago, is looking for a PhD graduate with experience in immunology and preferably in mouse experiments to study the function of graft-reactive T cells in mouse models of solid organ transplantation for an NIH-funded research project

Please contact


con interés en investigación científica, para postularse a la convocatoria Becas Doctorales Internas CONICET 2020 (Junio) e incorporarse al proyecto:
● La enfermedad de Chagas constituye un problema de relevancia clave en salud pública. En nuestro país, suman más de 300.000 los afectados por cardiopatía chagásica crónica.
● A pesar de años de investigación, se desconoce aún la razón por la cual algunos individuos desarrollan sintomatología, mientras que otros no lo hacen. El consenso actual otorga un rol central a la respuesta inmune del paciente.
● Nuestro laboratorio estudia la respuesta inmune celular en pacientes con enfermedad de Chagas crónica.
● Experimentos preliminares de transcriptómica realizados por nuestro grupo mostraron una marcada diferencia en los perfiles de expresión génica entre muestras de pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica crónica y pacientes asintomáticos.
● Entre los diferencialmente expresados, se encontraron genes que ya habían sido relacionados con otros tipos de miocardiopatías inflamatorias.
● Nuestro siguiente objetivo es identificar los tipos celulares involucrados en las diferencias transcripcionales observadas y abordar un análisis más detallado de la rol de las vías y moléculas puestas en juego en la activación de las células del sistema inmune por antígenos de T. cruzi.

● Contribuir al entendimiento de la respuesta inmune frente al parásito, y de los mecanismos de la patogénesis en la cardiopatía asociada a la enfermedad de Chagas
● Encontrar moléculas de valor pronóstico en la evolución de esta enfermedad
● Iniciar la exploración de la inmunointervención como estrategia terapéutica.

● Manejo de muestras de sangre humana
● Cultivo celular
● Biología molecular
● Citometría de flujo
● Bioinformática

INTERESADXS: Contactar por e-mail a explicando por qué te interesa integrarte a nuestro grupo de trabajo.
Adjuntar CV (incluir promedio y promedio histórico de la carrera).