La mejor vacuna es la que te toca

1er. Concurso Nacional de Mini Videos

La Academia Nacional de Ciencias y la Sociedad Argentina de Inmunología convocan a estudiantes de Nivel Inicial, Primario, Secundario y Especial a participar de un concurso de videos cortos relacionados con las vacunas y COVID-19. El objetivo de la convocatoria, realizada como parte de las actividades por el Día Internacional de la Inmunología, es promover el interés de infantes y jóvenes por la Inmunología, la rama […]

¿Qué sabemos de las nuevas variantes de SARS CoV-2?

¿Qué sabemos de las nuevas variantes de SARS CoV-2? Resumen:SARS CoV-2 es un betacoronavirus, de reciente introducción en la población humana, cuyas infecciones se conocen como COVID-19. En un periodo de tiempo de un poco más de un año, se tienen 130.000.000 de casos confirmados, y casi 2.840.000 de muertes ocasionadas por este virus. En […]

La Sociedad Argentina de Inmunología adhiere a la campaña #VaccineEquity organizada por la OMS

La Sociedad Argentina de Inmunología adhiere a la campaña #VaccineEquity organizada por la OMS para promover la inmunización contra COVID-19 del personal de la salud y de los adultos mayores de 65 años en TODOS los países del mundo en los primeros 100 días de este año. La excelente noticia de que el número […]

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Que sabemos sobre las vacunas para Covid-19

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Webinar: COVID-19


Aprobación de vacunas

Información inexacta. Comunicado

La Sociedad Argentina de Inmunología manifiesta su preocupación por la difusión en medios de comunicación de información inexacta y carente de sustento científico que confunde a la población y atenta contra el cumplimiento de las medidas que han demostrado, tanto en nuestro país como en el mundo, evitar la saturación del sistema de salud y […]

Impairment of the immunological and neurological synapses by respiratory viruses. Implications for vaccine design.

Respiratory viruses are a leading cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia worldwide, due an inefficient viral immunity even after disease resolution. These viruses can cause severe symptoms both in the respiratory and nervous systems, such as bronchiolitis and encephalopathy, respectively. We have observed that some respiratory viruses prevent the proper function of immune cells, such as […]

Webinar: Tracking SARS-CoV-2 in Ghana

This seminar will discuss the analysis of 2 sets of SARS-CoV-2 sequences which include imported and circulating viruses at the inception of Ghana’s outbreak, and circulating viruses 2-3 months after Ghana’s first reported cases. They will present on the adaptations on the ARCTIC protocols they carried out in sequencing batch, discuss the benefits inured by […]

COVID-19 in immunodeficient patients

Kathleen Sullivan will share her insights on: Immune compromise and the risk for severe COVID-19 Primary immune deficiencies and COVID-19, what we know and what we don’t know Vaccine options for people living with primary immunodeficiencies >> Register:

The impacts of psychological stress on virus-associated immune responses: unignorable challenges in the COVID-19 pandemic immunity

The pandemic outbreak of the highly contagious coronavirus (COVID-19) has become a major threat to our physical health. Simultaneously, the rapid spread of COVID-19 and the resulting countermeasures (particularly lockdowns) are negatively affecting our mental well-being, due to disease progression-induced fear and fatigue, social distancing and isolation, family conflicts during quarantine, supply shortages, unemployment, and […]

Longitudinal immune profiling reveals distinct features of COVID-19 pathogenesis

Elizabeth Mann and Madhvi Menon will discuss findings from their recent longitudinal immune profiling study with admitted COVID-19 patients across four hospitals in Manchester at the height of the pandemic in the UK. They find key immune signatures that track with disease severity and can potentially be used to identify patients upon admission that are […]

Webinar: Ramos B cell engineering for the evaluation of the humoral anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunity

Michael Reth and his team are studying how the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) and the B cell surface is organized in resting and activated B cells for the sensing of foreign antigens. They learned that the BCR and many B cell surface markers are highly organized at nanoscale distances. In their studies they are […]

Webinar: Prevention and Therapy of COVID-19 with Monoclonal Antibodies

Hans-Martin Jäck summarizes the COVID-19 pandemic and CoV-2-host cell interactions. He introduces the concept of passive immunisation and active vaccination to prevent and protect from COVID-19, and he provides an overview of the current clinical serum and vaccine trials, finishing the webinar with a review on the production of human CoV-2 neutralising antibodies in transgenic […]

Webinar: Seeking correlates of protection and correlates of pathology in COVID-19 patients

In this webinar, Professor Adrian Hayday will share with us, an overview of a completed deep immunophenotyping of 100 patients and controls, with approximately 200,000 data points. Professor Adrian Hayday began studying immunology in 1982 at MIT, where he and his colleagues first described the wholly unanticipated T-cell receptor gamma chain genes. Establishing that γδ […]

Webinar: Association of COVID-19 inflammation with activation of the C5a-C5aR1 axis

Eric Vivier provides a longitudinal analysis of immune responses, including immune cell phenotyping and assessments of the soluble factors present in the blood and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of patients at various stages of COVID-19 severity: paucisymptomatic, pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He reports an increase in soluble C5a levels proportional to COVID-19 […]

Webinar: COVID-19 in South Africa

Since the first case of COVID-19 on 5 March 2020 in South Africa, the epidemic grew exponentially with a doubling time of 2 days for the first 3 weeks until the effects of state-initiated interventions impacted reducing the doubling time to 15 days. The National response, which comprises 8 stages aims to flatten the curve. […]


Webinar: Understanding Infection and Immunity of SARS-CoV-2

Overview SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) is the causative agent of the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Alongside investigations into the virology of SARS-CoV-2, understanding the fundamental physiological and immunological processes underlying the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 is vital for the identification and rational design of effective therapies. In this webinar, Lisa […]

Donna Farber. Live Webinar: Respiratory immunity and COVID-19

Donna Farber: Respiratory immunity and COVID-19  Donna Farber discusses the development of lung-localized immune responses and the role of tissue resident memory T cells in protective immunity to respiratory viruses, in mouse models of influenza infection and in human lungs,  including recent findings on the impact of age on human lung immunity.  These concepts will […]

Andreas Radbruch: Adaptive Immunity in COVID-19

Date: May 11, 2020Time: 16:00 (UTC+2) Adaptive Immunity: Memory, Protection and Immunopathology in COVID-19 What do we know about the adaptive immune reaction to Sars-CoV-2? Why do humans react so heterogeneously to Sars-CoV-2? Does the adaptive immune system provide protection and for how long? How can we challenge the system with a vaccine to establish […]

Rachel Humphrey: What cancer immunologists are doing about COVID-19

Date: May 4, 2020Time: 16:00 (UTC+2) What are physicians and scientists seeing in their COVID-19-infected patients and in their own personal scientific explorations? What are the ongoing hypotheses that drive the emerging clinical studies, and what can we say about the rapid evolution of medicine, in light of their ongoing work? Rachel Humphrey will give […]

Giuseppe Ippolito: The Global Scientific Response to COVID-19

Webinar on April 24 Giuseppe Ippolito: The Global Scientific Response to COVID-19 Date: April 24, 2020Time: 18:00 (UTC+2)

Webinar COVID-19

Webinar COVID-19: Respuesta inmune, aspectos clínicos y opciones terapéuticas. Sesión conjunta SAI-SADI. Disponible en:

COVID-19: Convocatoria


El camino hacia el desarrollo de una posible vacuna contra el coronavirus

Desde el desarrollo de una vacuna en el laboratorio hasta su aplicación en humanos puede pasar una década. Esto es debido a la gran cantidad de pruebas y regulaciones que deben aprobarse hasta su uso. En una pandemia como ésta, se puede acelerar este proceso destinando muchos recursos. La posible vacuna contra SARS-COV-2 ha superado […]